Snort Challenge - Live Attacks
Put your snort skills into practice and defend against a live attack
Last updated
Put your snort skills into practice and defend against a live attack
Last updated
Start Snort in sniffer mode and try to figure out the attack source, service and port.
Write an IPS rule and run Snort in IPS mode to stop the brute-force attack.
Full alert mode provides all possible information about the alert. There is no console output in this mode. Start the Snort instance in full alert mode (-A full ) with the following command sudo snort -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -A full
Snort IPS mode activated with -Q --daq afpacket
parameters. This mode can also be activated by editing snort.conf file.
Activate the Data Acquisition (DAQ) modules and use the afpacket module to use snort as an IPS: -i eth0:eth1
Block the traffic at least for a minute and then the flag file will appear on your desktop.
What is the name of the service under attack?
What is the used protocol/port in the attack?
Start Snort in sniffer mode and try to figure out the attack source, service and port.
What is the used protocol/port in the attack?
Which tool is highly associated with this specific port number?
Write an IPS rule and run Snort in IPS mode to stop the brute-force attack.
Block the traffic at least for a minute and then the flag file will appear on your desktop.
sudo snort -v -i eth0:eth1
drop tcp any 22 -> any any
would be more direct