Threat Intelligence Tools

Explore different OSINT tools used to conduct security threat assessments and investigations. is a free service developed to assist in scanning and analysing websites. It is used to automate the process of browsing and crawling through websites to record activities and interactions.

When a URL is submitted, the information recorded includes the domains and IP addresses contacted, resources requested from the domains, a snapshot of the web page, technologies utilised and other metadata about the website.

The site provides two views, the first one showing the most recent scans performed and the second one showing current live scans.

Scan Results

Key areas essential to look at:

  • Summary: Provides general information about the URL, ranging from the identified IP address, domain registration details, page history and a screenshot of the site.

  • HTTP: Provides information on the HTTP connections made by the scanner to the site, with details about the data fetched and the file types received.

  • Redirects: Shows information on any identified HTTP and client-side redirects on the site.

  • Links: Shows all the identified links outgoing from the site's homepage.

  • Behavior: Provides details of the variables and cookies found on the site. These may be useful in identifying the frameworks used in developing the site.

  • Indicators: Lists all IPs, domains and hashes associated with the site. These indicators do not imply malicious activity related to the site.


You have been tasked to perform a scan on TryHackMe's domain. The results obtained are displayed in the image below. Use the details on the image to answer the questions:

What is TryHackMe's Cisco Umbrella Rank?


How many domains did identify?


What is the main domain registrar listed?

Namecheap Inc

What is the main IP address identified?

2606:4700:10::ac43:1b0a is a research project hosted by the Institue for Cybersecurity and Engineering at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. It was developed to identify and track malware and botnets through several operational platforms developed under the project. These platforms are:

  • Malware Bazaar: A resource for sharing malware samples.

  • Feodo Tracker: A resource used to track botnet command and control (C2) infrastructure linked with Emotet, Dridex and TrickBot.

  • SSL Blacklist: A resource for collecting and providing a blocklist for malicious SSL certificates and JA3/JA3s fingerprints.

  • URL Haus: A resource for sharing malware distribution sites.

  • Threat Fox: A resource for sharing indicators of compromise (IOCs).

This project is an all in one malware collection and analysis database supporting the following features:

  • Malware Samples Upload: Security analysts can upload their malware samples for analysis and build the intelligence database. This can be done through the browser or an API.

  • Malware Hunting: Hunting for malware samples is possible through setting up alerts to match various elements such as tags, signatures, YARA rules, ClamAV signatures and vendor detection.

With this project, is targeting to share intelligence on botnet Command & Control (C&C) servers associated with Dridex, Emotes (aka Heodo), TrickBot, QakBot and BazarLoader/BazarBackdoor. This is achieved by providing a database of the C&C servers that security analysts can search through and investigate any suspicious IP addresses they have come across. Additionally, they provide various IP and IOC blocklists and mitigation information to be used to prevent botnet infections. developed this tool to identify and detect malicious SSL connections. From these connections, SSL certificates used by botnet C2 servers would be identified and updated on a denylist that is provided for use. The denylist is also used to identify JA3 fingerprints that would help detect and block malware botnet C2 communications on the TCP layer.

You can browse through the SSL certificates and JA3 fingerprints lists or download them to add to your deny list or threat hunting rulesets.

This tool focuses on sharing malicious URLs used for malware distribution. As an analyst, you can search through the database for domains, URLs, hashes and filetypes that are suspected to be malicious and validate your investigations.

The tool also provides feeds associated with country, AS number and Top Level Domain that an analyst can generate based on specific search needs.

With ThreatFox, security analysts can search for, share and export indicators of compromise associated with malware. IOCs can be exported in various formats such as MISP events, Suricata IDS Ruleset, Domain Host files, DNS Response Policy Zone, JSON files and CSV files.

The IOC is linked to which malware on ThreatFox?


Which malware is associated with the JA3 Fingerprint 51c64c77e60f3980eea90869b68c58a8 on SSL Blacklist?


From the statistics page on URLHaus, what malware-hosting network has the ASN number AS14061?


Which country is the botnet IP address associated with according to FeodoTracker?



PhishTool provides a responsive email security. Security analysts can uncover email IOCs, prevent breaches and provide forensic reports for phishing containment and training engagements. PhishTool has to versions: Community and Enterprise. Focusing on the Community version, sign up for an account via this link to use the tool.

Core features include:

  • Perform email analysis: PhishTool retrieves metadata from phishing emails and provides relevant explanations and capabilities to follow the email’s actions, attachments, and URLs to triage the situation.

  • Heuristic intelligence: OSINT is baked into the tool to provide intelligence needed to stay ahead of persistent attacks and understand what TTPs were used to evade security controls and allow the adversary to social engineer a target.

  • Classification and reporting: Phishing email classifications are conducted to take action quickly. Additionally, reports can be generated to provide a forensic record that can be shared.

Additional features are available on the Enterprise version:

  • Manage user-reported phishing events.

  • Report phishing email findings back to users and keep them engaged in the process.

  • Email stack integration with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.

Submit the email for analysis in the stated file formats with the presented upload file screen from the Analysis tab on login. Other tabs include:

  • History: Lists all submissions made with their resolutions.

  • In-tray: An Enterprise feature used to receive and process phish reports posted by team members through integrating Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

Analysis Tab

Once uploaded, the details of the email are presented for a more in-depth look with the following tabs:

  • Headers: Provides the routing information of the email, such as source and destination email addresses, Originating IP and DNS addresses and Timestamp.

  • Received Lines: Details on the email traversal process across various SMTP servers for tracing purposes.

  • X-headers: These are extension headers added by the recipient mailbox to provide additional information about the email.

  • Security: Details on email security frameworks and policies such as Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC).

  • Attachments: Lists any file attachments found in the email.

  • Message URLs: Associated external URLs found in the email will be found here.

Further perform lookups and flag indicators as malicious from these options. On the right-hand side of the screen are the Plaintext and Source details of the email.

Above the Plaintext section is a Resolve checkmark to perform the resolution of the analysis by classifying the email, setting up flagged artefacts and setting the classification codes. Once the email has been classified, the details will appear on the Resolution tab on the analysis of the email.


You are a SOC Analyst and have been tasked to analyze a suspicious email Email1.eml.

What organization is the attacker trying to pose as in the email?


What is the senders email address?

What is the recipient's email address?

What is the Originating IP address? Defang the IP address.


How many hops did the email go through to get to the recipient?


Cisco Talos Intelligence

Cisco congregated a large team of security practitioners called Cisco Talos to deliver actionable intelligence, visibility on indicators, and protection against emerging threats through data collected from their products. The solution is accessible as Talos Intelligence.

Cisco Talos encompasses six key teams:

  • Threat Intelligence & Interdiction: Quick correlation and tracking of threats provide a means to turn simple IOCs into context-rich intel.

  • Detection Research: Vulnerability and malware analysis is performed to create rules and content for threat detection.

  • Engineering & Development: Provides the maintenance support for the inspection engines and keeps them up-to-date to identify and triage emerging threats.

  • Vulnerability Research & Discovery: Working with service and software vendors to develop repeatable means of identifying and reporting security vulnerabilities.

  • Communities: Maintains the image of the team and the open-source solutions.

  • Global Outreach: Disseminates intelligence to customers and the security community through publications.

More information about Cisco Talos can be found on their White Paper

Talos Dashboard

The dashboard index is mounted with a world map with a reputation lookup, overviewing email traffic. This traffic indicates if the emails are legitimate, spam, or malware across various countries. Clicking on a marker with display associated IP and hostname addresses, volume on the day and type.

The top has several tabs providing different types of intelligence resources. Analysts would mostly interact with the following:

  • Vulnerability Information: Disclosed and zero-day vulnerability reports marked with CVE numbers and CVSS scores. Details of the vulnerabilities reported are provided when you select a specific report, including the timeline taken to get the report published. Microsoft vulnerability advisories are also provided, with the applicable snort rules that can be used.

  • Reputation Center: Provides access to searchable threat data related to IPs and files using their SHA256 hashes. Analysts would rely on these options to conduct their investigations. Additional email and spam data can be found under the Email & Spam Data tab.

What is the listed domain of the IP address from the previous task?

What is the customer name of the IP address?

Complete Web Reviews

Scenario 1

Scenario: You are a SOC Analyst. Several suspicious emails have been forwarded to you from other coworkers. You must obtain details from each email to triage the incidents reported.

Task: Use the tools discussed throughout this room (or use your resources) to help you analyze Email2.eml and use the information to answer the questions.

According to Email2.eml, what is the recipient's email address?

From Talos Intelligence, the attached file can also be identified by the Detection Alias that starts with an H...


Scenario 2

Scenario: You are a SOC Analyst. Several suspicious emails have been forwarded to you from other coworkers. You must obtain details from each email to triage the incidents reported.

Task: Use the tools discussed throughout this room (or use your resources) to help you analyze Email3.eml and use the information to answer the questions.

What is the name of the attachment on Email3.eml?

Sales_Receipt 5606.xls

What malware family is associated with the attachment on Email3.eml?


Last updated