Basic Malware Reverse Engineering
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By Jacvbtaylor
Using static analysis, the task at hand is to discover which string in each .exe file is going to be hashed using MD5 once it is executed. The usefulness provided by these challenges extends to real world scenarios where malware may be encrypting compromised data. Being able to discover how it is encrypted can lead to recovering the data.
After importing all three .exe files into our project using Ghidra, the first step is to analyze the first file, strings1.exe_.
Starting with the symbol tree, open the functions select entry.
Selecting entry should have kick-started code population in the Listing and Decompile window. First looking at Decompile, a character pointer is revealed in C code that is instantiated and set to equal a defined string set as md5_hash.
To uncover the full string, first double click md5_hash in the Decompile window next moving to the Listing window where the ID 00424828 is shown.
Double click that ID to move the Listing to the line that reveals the flag in its entirety as the string that will be hashed upon file execution.
To begin the analysis of strings2.exe_, begin in the Symbol Tree and select entry.
Decompile should now reveal the following C code, listing mostly variables, defined and undefined. It is easy to assume these variables will be added in the stack from how they are assigned. additionally, a character pointer is assigned to md5_hash and local_2c.
Studying the local variables, it is clear that each definition is set to a hex value, excluding local_2c which is defined as "F". Taking these values and assembling them through bash scripting allows for converting these hex values with ease.
Using rapid tables, all of the hex values were converted to ASCII characters which revealed our flag - the only thing missing was the defined value of local_2c which was "F".
Following the steps described above discloses the string that will be hashed upon file execution.
Lastly, strings3.exe_ can be analysed the same way by opening functions and entry in Symbol Tree.
The Listing window doesn't show enough information for our task at hand to be resolved, so we move to the Decompile window.
From this view, a character pointer is described to be equal to local_a0, or MD5. This is a good implication that we are on track for the string we are looking for. Examining this entry further, two interesting fields stand out: FindResourceA and LoadStringA.
Double Clicking FindResourceA changes thge Listing window to the following lines of the code. As shown, FindResourceA appears to be from the Kernel32 library which is loaded into protected memory upon system boot-up. In other words, this library is used by Windows OS in part of the shared dynamically-linked libraries. It will be used by multiple processes while one copy is stored in memory.
With this understanding established, the new step is to locate LoadStringA. Double clicking this field in Decompile should change the Listing window to the following external function.
Knowing that this exe file is compiled with C code, these two linked libraries are critical for the execution inside of the Windows OS. Without loading or linking the Kernel and User DLL, the program will not be able to receive input, or produce output. Specifically for User32 we want to focus on the hInstance parameter which is more clearly set inside the Decompile window.
Analyzing line 18, or LoadStringA, we can presume the string is being loaded from 0x110 and being stored in variable local_4a4. Double clicking 0x110 loads the following into the Listing window, which provides a hint to the string we are looking for, but we need to be more precise.
in Ghidra, hovering over the string identifier provides insight that can be used - the decimal value of 0x110 is converted to 272.
In the Listing window, we can locate the Hex values and scroll until Rsrc String ID 272 is presented, which provides the string that will be hashed upon file execution.